

New York State law requires that dogs over four months of age be licensed.  All dogs must receive a rabies vaccination before it is licensed.  The Town Clerk for the Town of Rye will be issuing dog licenses and license renewals to dog owners of dogs in the Villages of Port Chester and Rye Brook.

The dog licensing fees for altered dogs are twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) and for unaltered dogs, twenty dollars and fifty cents ($20.50).  The Town will offer the option of issuing a two-year license which shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) for altered dogs and thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for unaltered dogs. New tags shall be issued once and included in these fees. There shall be a charge of three dollars ($3.00) for a replacement tag if the original tag is lost or damaged.

Please NOTE* Payments can be made via Check, Money Order, or Cash * We do not accept debit or credit cards at this time.

 Once a year, the dog owner will receive a notice in the mail reminding them to renew the dog's license.

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