Building Permits and Zoning Maps

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Building Permits

The Town of Rye does not have its own Building or Planning Departments.  These functions are managed by the individual Villages within the Town.

Building Permits

The Assessment Office does not have copies of building permits.  These can be obtained from each Village’s Building Department.

Legal Use

The Assessment Office does NOT determine the legal use of a property.  It is IMPORTANT to note that the Assessment inventory does not always reflect a property's allowed use.  The mere inclusion of a use, addition or alteration of the inventory does not guarantee legal compliance with the respective Villages' Building Codes.  A property's authorized use is reflected on its Certificate of Occupancy.  Please contact your Village's Building Department for verification of the Certificate of Occupancy.

Radius / Abutter Searches

Please your Village Building Department for the radius / abutter search criteria and instructions.  Once the appropriate abutting properties have been identified, you MUST cross check most recent assessment roll and/or on the SDG Imagemate Online property data search for the current owner and their mailing address, which may be different from the property address.

At any point, to go back to the Town's Home Page, click on the Town's logo above.

Related Links:

Building Departments

Planning and Zoning


Zoning information and zoning maps may be obtained from either the Village’s Building or Planning Departments.

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